If you read our blogs we are notorious for taking interns out………….and yes……the 80’s crowd can still not only keep up with the kids…..but make sure they get home safely ( and then rock’ on’).
Had a fun night at our monthly “Not so Sour Happy Hour”.

Mike Lash from Denver Advertising with intern
It’s Christmas time, which means it’s time to spend with friends and family and yes, shop. And what does every little girl want……..American Girl…..and yes when you go into The American Girl store in Park Meadows, to get an American Girl doll in Denver, Colorado, you will be convinced that if you don’t buy the doll that day, your child will surely grow up to be a looser!
I swore I would never buy an American Girl doll for my daughter. It goes against my entire belief system and pontificates capitalism. But hey this is America, the greatest country in the world and darn it every house should have a roast in the oven and an American Girl in the hands of a little girl, so I’m told. I did what any normal Dad that has an amazing amount of conviction about excessive spending on items children will not even remember in 3 months would do—-bought the doll. I caved.
But, I did go across the way to lululemon and pick up a pair of sweats……hence the American Woman. Definitely different then the American Girl doll…….
Have a great Christmas!